
Sunday, June 06, 2010

maizatul tag saya :P

anyway, thousand thankx to mai sbb pass kan award nih kat aku..huhuhuhuh.. :P

1. Thank and link the person that gave you award:

ohoo... i already thank her above, then million thanx again to mai.hahah

2. Pass the award onto 5 blogger you're recently discovered think are fantastic:

3.aku beno nye dh lame x berkwan dlm blog nih.. nnt aku cube pk kan sape yang aku nak tag.. :P

3. Contact said blog and let them know that they'ven won award:
will do this afta i settle no 2. hahha

4. State 5 things about yourself:

1. ske tengok teater and musical teater
2. currently in love with fuji fil instax mini.. :P
3. konon nye ingin habis sepenoh nye dlmn pljaran sewaktuh usia 26.. piigirah.. :P
4. obses gegile dengan duit wow mata duitan nye aku terlalu ske berjalan2 ..
5. tersangat bersyukor dengan ape yang di kurniakan kepada saya pada hari ni. Ya Allah .. syukran .. :P

5. Speech by winner:

i don't think i deserve to get this award, but then when someone give it to me, even though they know that i don't qualified at all, already made me thankful..:P thank you myezatul..:) saranghae

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