
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

That's when I love you

Now I am currently listening to Aslyn that when I love you, really nice song with the environment right now, I am feel relief for no reason, even though it’s really gloomy around me. Having a smile for nothing, feel like want to hug for nothing. Money for buy something, and I want my parents for everything I’ve done to look by them. Yes, I can’t live without them. So then, I realise how important they are to me. Every single second I felt pressure even it’s just nothing to worry about.
Am I lonely? Lonely for no reason even the world is crowded with people who love each other every day. Even I have everybody by my side, but I felt so lonely. Pray hard every day. Wish it will make me smile even my heart crying hardly.
This is me. The real of me. Don’t ask anything that I can’t do...but please ask the thing that I can do, so you would not regret with me. So the pain could stop. The rain also stops to drop. The tears will disappears. And the sun will keep shining even in the middle of the night.
God, please help me, leaving me in this of world is cruel. But I am not ready yet to be there, physical and mentally is not prepare yet to been there.
wTH ?? this is just not me


mia sarah hemiza said...

*tercenggang aku bace neh..

but then,
aku rase mcm feeling all dis..

ellieandcarl'sstories said...

alahaii nape..ko pon same...:) wakakak...:(

CikYana(",) said...

out of topic:-

bru menuju ke arah tu
have a nice day 2 u 2

Hani Kila said...

dah bertaubat ke?
tettttttt :P

syanis said...

heheheheh... buat jer apa yg terbaik....

enyheartsdiamond said...

ko insaf pe pg2 ni/
bgos la..
terpegun ~

mia sarah hemiza said...

syg ko jugak! (sambil tolak2 ko)

ko gelak wakakaka, tp icon masam..
ish, polik den..

ko sehat..????????????
aku pon mantoksss..

enyheartsdiamond said...

ticnube-ko ney..lari topic laa...

bes..cte ney bes!!!

xla..bukan sej melayu..

pakaian dlm filem ney,sumer cm pakaian2 melayu dahulu kala..

n ada seket2 asai kerajaan negeri PAHANG.

najwa hazirah halmi said...

thats when i luv u...
lgu peberet wa gak...romantik!
nk slalu dgr, dtg blog yer!!

haruan tasek said...

aduhai bro aku lemah bahasa inggris le bro... bolelah juga faham sikit... bagus n3 ko nie bro

~Cinta Cukulet~ said...

bila mungkin hidup
hampa yang dirasa
mungkinkah hati merindukan Dia
kerana hanya denganNya hati tenang
damai jiwa dalam raga

bila saya sedih dan rasa sunyi saya selalu nyanyi lagu nih huhu

Eyna's said...

Jempu amik award kat umah yer,....

Jangan malu2....

ellieandcarl'sstories said...

huhu...second time dpt award...:P

Anonymous said...

boleh tahan

mia sarah hemiza said...

aku bru dpt lime puloh sen daa.. NN neh.. ko..?? inggit2 dah..??

ellieandcarl'sstories said...

aku sengget...:))