
Thursday, April 14, 2011

spoil mood betOl la.

hari nihmmg malas gile nak gi klas even klas ade 1 itu pon x sampai 2 jam, tapi malas jerk macam dok bawa batu bata atas dada .. adeh la.. makin terok penyakit ni. makin nak final makin bengap orang lain pon cam ni ker..??

aku dengar2 budak2 UKM dah leh njoy mase 1st paper aku.. x ke sakit ati.. adik aku dah abis paper.. kite baru nak start... UITM please la buat improvement.. we need to do something in order to avoid them to leave us behind.

i was like..??? ekkk dh abis... we not even start yet.. whattt the kan..??

and lately... dose aku makin bertambun2.. and now aku rase aku paham la nape aku jd lembs a. k . a bengap.. terlalu banyak mengumpat!! sangat!!!

bleh x ko balik segamat balik. dosa aku x banyak and pahala ko bertambah... why me!!! again and again men.. i cant stand it anymore. need to do something. and those child is really amazing but when it comes to religion they really bad on it. so what the purpose of having me as an adult there??? the worst part is me!! no improvement but went worst all the time.and againts the principles!! too pressure men.


MyeAqma said...

ko dah kenapa?? bawak2 muhasabah diri nis.. aku tgk dh lagi pressure dr aku yg nk buat preparation kawen ni haa... meh citer kt aku meh. kot aku bley kurangkan beban ko tu..

nk exam kan? fokus babe, fokus. neway gud luck for both of us! :)

aku said...

mye.. ko amacamm...ha a nak final... rase cm nak ke tali gantung pon ade ..iskkk debar pon ade.. aku dok shah alam banyak doseee wehh mencikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

MyeAqma said...

hehehe aku pun x prepare pape lg utk exam weyh... huhuhu x ready langsung nk exam...

kalau camtu blk lah duk sini. berulang je hari2.. larat??? hehehe dosa x byk.. kihkih..

aku said...

mmg aku akn berulang2 start intersesi nnt hahahha... yesss