orangn ak belajar kite pon pakat sibuk nak belajar, bile dah dapat peluang, pemalas nye nauzubillah... so saya perlu berubah!!!
bile orang nak sambung blaja , kite pon pakat nak apply same, bile dah dapat peluang ya ampon nak g buat mc pon x derk ati... so saya perlu berubah!!!
dengan ati yang separuh rela, badan yang masih sakit and demam yang belom kebah , aku menggagah kan kaki melangkah ke az zahrah sek 9 di bangi ( betol ke sek 9? ) amik ko.. is not worth at all, the q is really long, and i wait for almost 3 hours and i got nothing!!
oh yes! i got the x ray but my mc is negative?? what im supposed to do? probably they will reject my mc arghhh really frustrated..the fever is almost gone. but suddenly it comes and goes when ever it want!!!
the interesting part is my height!!!... sangat klaka ok... nape aku makin pendek.. i did notice it tp x sangka lak makin menurun.. and yes the only thing will keep up and up.. of course my weight . sigh!!!!
saya nak kurus!! tapi mencekik x ingat dunia,sedey nye
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
makan bola tido bola
tido bola makan bola.. oh ye itu dulu trade mark utk minuman air berkabornat, coke ,.,, hua.. habis pemes la nih....
aku x tau nak kate ape.. x ikot peredaran zaman or sbb aku x amik pot langsung.. i dont know anything about football... so dont talk to me or asking or what ever it is related with football..
yes yes yes.. i was a football fan ever.. 10 years ago.. and it's not a fifa , it's just tiger cup.. or king cup.. or sardin.. on that time Malaysia had a match with Thailand. of the player...> it was superb and it's really worth for not sleeping for the whole night along...heee.. missed that moment so much.. watched it with all my siblings,
smiling and shouting whenever the ball is near the goal.. oh what a wonderful moment.. i wish i have the dagger , the time of the sands, wish to turn everything to the way i want it be...
yes it 10 years ago.. but now in this year, 2010 i know it was held at africa.. :) even at saudi and bangladesh the repoters always talk and report about it... but do i care..???
saya nak makan kek bentuk bola right now!!!
aku x tau nak kate ape.. x ikot peredaran zaman or sbb aku x amik pot langsung.. i dont know anything about football... so dont talk to me or asking or what ever it is related with football..
yes yes yes.. i was a football fan ever.. 10 years ago.. and it's not a fifa , it's just tiger cup.. or king cup.. or sardin.. on that time Malaysia had a match with Thailand. of the player...> it was superb and it's really worth for not sleeping for the whole night along...heee.. missed that moment so much.. watched it with all my siblings,
smiling and shouting whenever the ball is near the goal.. oh what a wonderful moment.. i wish i have the dagger , the time of the sands, wish to turn everything to the way i want it be...
yes it 10 years ago.. but now in this year, 2010 i know it was held at africa.. :) even at saudi and bangladesh the repoters always talk and report about it... but do i care..???
saya nak makan kek bentuk bola right now!!!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
nothing to say.. i just write it here
for the last 5 years, blogging is a compulsory for me, do what ever you wanna do, but then the next thing will be blogging. seems like it's a MUST!!
for last 5 years YES, but not know, nothing to shared, nothing to write, so this blog kinda bored for me and the old readers as well. wondered y?
since i know my writing skills is kinda poor, and i don't even help my self to improve it as well, so no high expectation after all.and i only managed to get what a lame to tell others about your grade since you know it's low (***) for my Bahasa Malaysia, hahah and please don't ask for Bahasa English. the worst language ever.!!
oh you, rima, of course you don't know about this blog, i'm just really impressed with you, your spirit your soul, how you fight with all of them :P cancer? who ever you are when you got it. you feels weak,you die!! but reema is different. i don't know if you know bout it. but for me to act tough and cool are tough already to do. but you did..
wonder? what happen to you in future? since your mom already asking for the miracle , may Allah bless you dear.!
for last 5 years YES, but not know, nothing to shared, nothing to write, so this blog kinda bored for me and the old readers as well. wondered y?
since i know my writing skills is kinda poor, and i don't even help my self to improve it as well, so no high expectation after all.and i only managed to get
oh you, rima, of course you don't know about this blog, i'm just really impressed with you, your spirit your soul, how you fight with all of them :P cancer? who ever you are when you got it. you feels weak,you die!! but reema is different. i don't know if you know bout it. but for me to act tough and cool are tough already to do. but you did..
wonder? what happen to you in future? since your mom already asking for the miracle , may Allah bless you dear.!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
sape yang gune laptop aku..????????????????
mula la mulot akuk ni kan.. start la nak pong pang pong pang,, x pe kang li aku nk try tahan walau ati aku menggelegak yang amat sangat...
kate kan katekan... amnusia mana yang jahanam kan lappy aku nih.. aku gune duit aku tau.. aku x minx mak pak ko.. so skang aku dh x leh gune lappy kesaynagn aku untuk tgk movie.....
dbhfwej2`0u1892ry3rn ih.... saya sgt marah ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kate kan katekan... amnusia mana yang jahanam kan lappy aku nih.. aku gune duit aku tau.. aku x minx mak pak ko.. so skang aku dh x leh gune lappy kesaynagn aku untuk tgk movie.....
dbhfwej2`0u1892ry3rn ih.... saya sgt marah ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh ALLAH, syukur ku hanya pada MU
oh Tuhan, air mata ini tidak mampu lagi dibendung, saat tadi hati ini membuak-buak marah nye, saat tadi hati ini dipenuhi zulumat benci, oh Tuhan, serba nya aku kekurangan dalam amalan ku.
oh Tuhan, pada pandangan mana kah aku dilihat?
pada kasih mana kah aku di pilih?
pada cinta manakah rindu di beri?
pada sayang manakah aku di tatah?
oh ALLAH, tangis tak mampu aku tahan
lalu sujud aku berikan
di Masjid Nabawi, bersama NABI mu aku tangiskan
di Masjid HAram MU , bersama kaabah mu aku teriakan
oh ALLAH, aku tidak layak
aku tidak mampu
aku tidak punya kuasa
aku tidak punya rindu
tapi kasih KAU curah kan lagi
oh TUHAN aku malu!!!
melainkan semua dari kamu!!
teruja saat itu,
teruja tika ini
aku juga tidak mengerti.
saat hari besar ku,
maka tangis ku lagi
bile ketika ku ketemu di raudhah saat itu
tangis muncul lagi
Maka ku tnya sama hati
perasaan apakah itu?
biar teriakan sanubari muncul
aku masih lagi teringin ketemu syurga dunia buat ku
maka ku doa,
panggil lah aku kembali
ketanah suci MU
ke makam Nabi MU
ke makam para shuhada' MU
ke makam para ambia'
ke makam para pemimpin selepas nabi MU
ku rindu tanah suci Mu.
oh Tuhan, pada pandangan mana kah aku dilihat?
pada kasih mana kah aku di pilih?
pada cinta manakah rindu di beri?
pada sayang manakah aku di tatah?
oh ALLAH, tangis tak mampu aku tahan
lalu sujud aku berikan
di Masjid Nabawi, bersama NABI mu aku tangiskan
di Masjid HAram MU , bersama kaabah mu aku teriakan
oh ALLAH, aku tidak layak
aku tidak mampu
aku tidak punya kuasa
aku tidak punya rindu
tapi kasih KAU curah kan lagi
oh TUHAN aku malu!!!
melainkan semua dari kamu!!
teruja saat itu,
teruja tika ini
aku juga tidak mengerti.
saat hari besar ku,
maka tangis ku lagi
bile ketika ku ketemu di raudhah saat itu
tangis muncul lagi
Maka ku tnya sama hati
perasaan apakah itu?
biar teriakan sanubari muncul
aku masih lagi teringin ketemu syurga dunia buat ku
maka ku doa,
panggil lah aku kembali
ketanah suci MU
ke makam Nabi MU
ke makam para shuhada' MU
ke makam para ambia'
ke makam para pemimpin selepas nabi MU
ku rindu tanah suci Mu.
hitam, gemok , pendek.. what a good combination ever
hitam: oh at first it just a color, then it turn to black and get darken , anyway thank you for the insulted, really appreciate it, thanks again. i know it wont hurt you, but it hurt me .. oh it's too hurt...
gemok: aku x makan nasik umah ko kan...? omg.. supposedly after back from mecca , my attitude should change , unfortunately it's not. sorry .. and you deserve it!!!!
pendek: am i asking for this short? no right so keep your mouth shut up.. :)
hahah im happy .. :) tq again
please .. please again and again, if you wanna ask something, please think about others feeling first, sometimes it's just a joke but it can hurt others feelings too. so please, cakap pandang kiri kanan,
and when ever YOU ( im not pointing this finger to you, so it can be anybody) talk about it, you make me feel very sad and frustrated. this feel wont belong to me if you keep YOUR mouth shut up\
i love being my self, i love who am i, thank you ALLAH for everything. i wouldn't ask why? i'm just really thankful for everything , and thank you for those who keep saying that spell too.. :)
gemok: aku x makan nasik umah ko kan...? omg.. supposedly after back from mecca , my attitude should change , unfortunately it's not. sorry .. and you deserve it!!!!
pendek: am i asking for this short? no right so keep your mouth shut up.. :)
hahah im happy .. :) tq again
please .. please again and again, if you wanna ask something, please think about others feeling first, sometimes it's just a joke but it can hurt others feelings too. so please, cakap pandang kiri kanan,
i love being my self, i love who am i, thank you ALLAH for everything. i wouldn't ask why? i'm just really thankful for everything , and thank you for those who keep saying that spell too.. :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
big day..??
oh yeah.. i want to know my result, i'm wonder why, for the first time, this feel kinda weird, no excited, no worries no scared, yes i scared but not as before.
apakah petanda nya,,,?Ya ALLAH .. aku mohon.. : arghh speechless...
lagi bape jam akan terbang ke bangladesng.. and may b esok akn fly ke mekah...
Hamba Mu datang menyahut panggilan Mu ya Allah..
time kasih wat kawan2 yang doa kan.. insyaALLAH... saya juga akn doa kan kawan2 semua.. :P
apakah petanda nya,,,?Ya ALLAH .. aku mohon.. : arghh speechless...
lagi bape jam akan terbang ke bangladesng.. and may b esok akn fly ke mekah...
Hamba Mu datang menyahut panggilan Mu ya Allah..
time kasih wat kawan2 yang doa kan.. insyaALLAH... saya juga akn doa kan kawan2 semua.. :P
Sunday, June 06, 2010
maizatul tag saya :P

anyway, thousand thankx to mai sbb pass kan award nih kat aku..huhuhuhuh.. :P
1. Thank and link the person that gave you award:
ohoo... i already thank her above, then million thanx again to mai.hahah
2. Pass the award onto 5 blogger you're recently discovered think are fantastic:
3.aku beno nye dh lame x berkwan dlm blog nih.. nnt aku cube pk kan sape yang aku nak tag.. :P
3. Contact said blog and let them know that they'ven won award:
will do this afta i settle no 2. hahha
4. State 5 things about yourself:
1. ske tengok teater and musical teater
2. currently in love with fuji fil instax mini.. :P
3. konon nye ingin habis sepenoh nye dlmn pljaran sewaktuh usia 26.. piigirah.. :P
4. obses gegile dengan duit
5. tersangat bersyukor dengan ape yang di kurniakan kepada saya pada hari ni. Ya Allah .. syukran .. :P
5. Speech by winner:
i don't think i deserve to get this award, but then when someone give it to me, even though they know that i don't qualified at all, already made me thankful..:P thank you myezatul..:) saranghae
Saturday, June 05, 2010
anyone ???!!


oh right now i'm craving this lil cute fuji film intax mini 7's.. arfhh so cute and so nice.. so anyone want buy it for me.. arghh hurry if you want to do it.. at least before my flight to Decca.. :) hahahah...comes with four colors with 2 different models.
the chocolate comes with the pure white, same model
and the pink+ white and blue + white is same model, cheaper than choc and white.. :P
can get with cheap price at amazon.com , but i'm not confident yet , haven't use their service before, so scared kene tipu.. cuak sia.. :P
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
marah tahap dewa!!
makin dekat nak ke tanah suci, makin banyak lak dugaan aku rase, ingta nak banyak kan solat, bbanyak kan istifar banyak kan doa, tapi tiap2 ari.. panas jerk ati nih.. baru smlan cool sket ati nih...ari nih panas balik..
al kisah orang tua nak M***.. ni... asik la kol aku nye ym ,,, ello.. klu org x balas paham2 jerk la.. ko strangers.. so aku nye ske aku nak ckp ngan sape.. tapi kesah nye..apeke bendul sgt.. dh ko ym,. ko kol, ko text org x balas, x yah la anta agih..ke ko manusia x tau malu..
beno nye sebelom nih..org tua kejadah ni pnh buat mende nih, tapi aku x la rase nak marah sgt cume rase annoyed la kan.. tapi still leh tahan la rase nak marah nih, tapi hari nih die mmg bikin panas la.. siap aku rase ade minyak tanah yang kat mane2 ntah leh tersimbah sx.. so rase api kat dlm ati nih mkin nyala2 la kan.. kalau org tua nih depan mata aku gayang gamak nye.. bia tangan tuh kene balut.. so ko dok umh ko diam2 x yah kaco/ganggu idop orang ok!!!..
siap tulis kat ym, lepas aku x reply msg , text and his call , die tulis : Lembab macam sipot:
ello org tua kejadah... ko lah lembab,. ckp dok ulang2 mende yg same.. rase nak suap kasut jerk tgk muke ko tau dak.. aghh.. anisa .. istifar..istifar.. ko tuh nak g mekaha... Ya Tuhan.. bantu la...
al kisah orang tua nak M***.. ni... asik la kol aku nye ym ,,, ello.. klu org x balas paham2 jerk la.. ko strangers.. so aku nye ske aku nak ckp ngan sape.. tapi kesah nye..apeke bendul sgt.. dh ko ym,. ko kol, ko text org x balas, x yah la anta agih..ke ko manusia x tau malu..
beno nye sebelom nih..org tua
siap tulis kat ym, lepas aku x reply msg , text and his call , die tulis : Lembab macam sipot:
ello org tua kejadah... ko lah lembab,. ckp dok ulang2 mende yg same.. rase nak suap kasut jerk tgk muke ko tau dak.. aghh.. anisa .. istifar..istifar.. ko tuh nak g mekaha... Ya Tuhan.. bantu la...
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
tuhan layak kah aku..?
hari nih aku nye mood sgt la bagush.. at least i can smile brightly compared to yesterday. oh the sucks~ monday... gile buhsan..thanx GOD,,, the good news is just like a flowers that blossom with nice smell... even i dont really know the name ..
really hope happy ending. and anyway life must go on even your tears will never stop coming through your small eyes. nobody cares, nobody knows what is going on, only U and ALLAH, so what are you going to wait , just go on, make a move , do some prayers, and doa too.
i'm praying hards, i wont let they know, it's enough to cater all the broken heart, and i'm pretty sure that the time will come. just wait patiently , GOD knows better than U..just prepare your self, and confident.
really hope happy ending. and anyway life must go on even your tears will never stop coming through your small eyes. nobody cares, nobody knows what is going on, only U and ALLAH, so what are you going to wait , just go on, make a move , do some prayers, and doa too.
i'm praying hards, i wont let they know, it's enough to cater all the broken heart, and i'm pretty sure that the time will come. just wait patiently , GOD knows better than U..just prepare your self, and confident.
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